Source code for pyfixmsg.codecs.stringfix

"""This codec implements a simpler repeating group logic where the first tag is seen as a marker
for repetition in a repeating group (rather than relying on the order of the tags) """
import re
import warnings
from collections import deque

import six

from pyfixmsg import RepeatingGroup
from pyfixmsg.util import int_or_str
from pyfixmsg.reference import HEADER_TAGS, HEADER_SORT_MAP, ENCODED_DATA_TAGS

Standard separator for the StringFIX codec between tag value pairs.
However, the codec supports an arbitrary separator as using | or ; or "<SOH>" is

FIX_REGEX_STRING = r'([^{s}{d}]*)[{d}](.*?){s}(?!\w+{s})'

HEADER_TAGS_SET = {str(tag) for tag in HEADER_TAGS}
ENCODED_TAG_SET = {str(tag) for tag in ENCODED_DATA_TAGS}

[docs]class Codec(object): """ FIX codec. Initialise with a :py:class:`~pyfixmsg.reference.FixSpec` to support repeating groups. This class is used to transform the serialised FIX message into an instance of ``fragment_class``, default ``dict`` Tags are assumed to be all of type ``int``, repeating groups are lists of ``fragment_class`` Values can either bytes or unicode or a mix thereof, depending on the constructor arguments. """
[docs] def __init__(self, spec=None, no_groups=False, fragment_class=dict, decode_as=None, decode_all_as_347=False): """ :param spec: the :py:class:`~pyfixmsg.reference.FixSpec` instance to use to parse messages. If spec is not defined repeating groups will not be parsed correctly, and the logic to handle encoded tags will not be functional. :param no_groups: set to ``True`` to ignore repeating groups :param fragment_class: Which dict-like object to return when parsing messages. Also sets the type of members of repeating groups :param decode_as: what encoding to decode all tags. Defaults to None, which returns the raw byte strings. setting to a non-None value makes both non-numerical tags and values to be unicode, using this value for decode. :param decode_all_as_347: whether to trust tag 347 to decode all other tags or only the Encoded* ones. If set to False, use 347 normally for Encoded* tags, respect ``decode_as`` for all other tags. If 347 is not present on the message, the values are left encoded. """ self.encoding = decode_as self.decode_all_as_347 = decode_all_as_347 self.spec = spec if spec is None: self._no_groups = True else: self._no_groups = no_groups self._frg_class = fragment_class
[docs] def parse(self, buff, delimiter=DELIMITER, separator=SEPARATOR): """ Parse a FIX message. The FIX message is expected to be a bytestring and the output is a dictionary-like object which type is determined by the ``fragment_class`` constructor argument and which keys are ``int`` and values ``unicode``. Note that if there is a non-int tag in the message, this will be stored as a key in the original format (i.e. bytestring) :param buff: Buffer to parse :type buff: ``bytestr`` or ``unicode`` :param delimiter: A character that separate key and values inside the FIX message. Generally '='. Note the type: because of the way the buffer is tokenised, this needs to be unicode (or ``str`` in python 2.7*). :type delimiter: ``unicode`` :param separator: A character that separate key+value pairs inside the FIX message. Generally '\1'. See type observations above. :type separator: ``unicode`` """ def pushback_generator(iterator): """ Generator which allows to push back a previously picked item for example: gen = pushback_generator(range(10)) print next(gen) print next(gen) v = next(gen) print v gen.send(v) print next(gen) :param iterator: :return: """ for value in iterator: back = yield value if back is not None: yield back yield back assert not (delimiter.isalnum() or separator.isalnum()) encoding, encoding_347 = self.encoding, None input_in_unicode = False msg_type = None if isinstance(buff, six.text_type): input_in_unicode = True custom_r = re.compile(six.ensure_text(FIX_REGEX_STRING.format( d=re.escape(delimiter), s=re.escape(separator)), encoding='ascii'), re.DOTALL) if self.encoding is not None: encoding = None # No need to decode warnings.warn('Processing a unicode message and ignore the argument "decode_as={}"'.format(self.encoding)) if self.decode_all_as_347: warnings.warn('Processing a unicode message and ignore the argument "decode_all_as_347={}"'.format(self.decode_all_as_347)) elif isinstance(buff, bytes): custom_r = re.compile(six.ensure_binary(FIX_REGEX_STRING.format( d=re.escape(delimiter), s=re.escape(separator)), encoding='ascii'), re.DOTALL) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported type of input: {}'.format(type(buff))) tagvals = custom_r.findall(buff) if not self._no_groups and self.spec is not None: for i in range(4): if tagvals[i][0] in (b'35', u'35'): msg_type = self.spec.msg_types.get(tagvals[i][1]) if not input_in_unicode: for tag, val in tagvals: if int_or_str(tag) == 347: encoding_347 = six.ensure_str(val) break if six.ensure_str(tag) not in HEADER_TAGS_SET: # already enter the message body break if self.decode_all_as_347 and encoding_347: tagvals = ((int_or_str(tval[0], encoding_347), six.ensure_text(tval[1], encoding_347)) for tval in tagvals) elif encoding: tagvals = ((int_or_str(tval[0], encoding), six.ensure_text(tval[1], (encoding_347 if encoding_347 and tval[0].decode() in ENCODED_TAG_SET else encoding)) ) for tval in tagvals) elif not input_in_unicode and six.PY3: tagvals = ((int_or_str(tval[0], 'ascii'), six.ensure_text(tval[1], (encoding_347 if encoding_347 and tval[0].decode() in ENCODED_TAG_SET else 'UTF-8')) ) for tval in tagvals) elif input_in_unicode and six.PY2: tagvals = ((int_or_str(six.ensure_binary(tval[0]), 'ascii'), six.ensure_binary(tval[1], (encoding_347 if encoding_347 and tval[0].encode() in ENCODED_TAG_SET else 'UTF-8')) ) for tval in tagvals) else: tagvals = ((int_or_str(tval[0]), tval[1]) for tval in tagvals) if self._no_groups or self.spec is None or msg_type is None: # no groups can be found without a spec, so no point looking up the msg type. return self._frg_class(tagvals) msg = self._frg_class() groups = msg_type.groups tagvals = pushback_generator(tagvals) for tag, value in tagvals: if tag not in groups: msg[tag] = value else: if value in (b'0', u'0'): msg[tag] = RepeatingGroup.create_repeating_group(tag) else: contents, last_tagval = self._process_group(tag, tagvals, msg_type=msg_type, group=groups[tag]) msg[tag] = contents if last_tagval: tagvals.send(last_tagval) return msg
def _process_group(self, identifying_tag, enumerator, msg_type, group): """ Recursively process a group Returns ``(count_tag, [{}, {}])`` """ rep_group = RepeatingGroup() rep_group.number_tag = identifying_tag member = self._frg_class() first_tag = None inner_groups = group.groups valid_tags = group.tags for tag, value in enumerator: if first_tag is None: # handle first tag: we expect all the members of the group to start with this tag first_tag = tag rep_group.first_tag = tag member[tag] = value elif first_tag == tag: # we start a new group, replace the current member by an empty one and add the current tag rep_group.append(member) member = self._frg_class() member[tag] = value elif tag in valid_tags: # tag is a member, we just add member[tag] = value elif tag in inner_groups: # tag is starting a new sub group, we recurse contents, last_tagval = self._process_group(tag, enumerator, msg_type, group.groups[tag]) member[tag] = contents if last_tagval: # we are not at the end of the message. tag, val = last_tagval if tag == first_tag: # the embedded group finished this member rep_group.append(member) member = self._frg_class() member[tag] = val elif tag in group.tags: # didn't finish this member member[tag] = val else: # didn't finish the message but finished the current group rep_group.append(member) return rep_group, (tag, val) else: # we're out of the group. rep_group.append(member) return rep_group, (tag, value) # we are reaching the end of the message, so complete, no further tags to pass on rep_group.append(member) return rep_group, None def _unmap(self, msg): """ Create a tag,value sequence from a FixMessage (dict-type interface). This will leverage the spec to order the tags the same way they are defined in the spec. If tags are present on the message that are not in the spec they are added in order at the end of the message before the tail (tag 10). """ def sort_values(msg, spec): """ Sort {tag:value} map into an iterable """ tvals = list(msg.items()) get_sorting_key = lambda x: spec.sorting_key.get(x[0], int(1e9 + x[0])) tvals.sort(key=get_sorting_key) # using a deque for this already-sorted data structure yields a ~10% speed improvement on serialisation expanded = deque() for tag, val in tvals: if isinstance(val, list): # Repeating groups are also lists, so we only need one type here downspec = spec.groups[tag] expanded.append((tag, len(val))) for member in val: expanded.extend(sort_values(member, downspec)) else: expanded.append((tag, val)) return expanded if self.spec is None: # No spec, let's just get reasonable header order, and 10 at the end. tag_vals = list(msg.items()) tag_vals.sort(key=lambda x: HEADER_SORT_MAP.get(x[0], int(1e9 + x[0]))) return tag_vals else: return sort_values(msg, self.spec.msg_types[msg[35]])
[docs] def serialise(self, msg, separator=SEPARATOR, delimiter=DELIMITER, encoding=None): """ Serialise a message into a bytestring. :param msg: the message to serialse :type msg: ``dict``-like interface :param delimiter: as in ``parse()`` :param separator: as in ``parse()`` :param encoding: encoding mode :type encoding: ``str`` """ tag_vals = self._unmap(msg) output = deque() for tag, value in tag_vals: if isinstance(tag, int): output.append(str(tag).encode('ascii')) elif isinstance(tag, bytes): output.append(tag) elif isinstance(tag, six.text_type): output.append(tag.encode('ascii')) else: output.append(str(tag).encode('ascii')) output.append(delimiter.encode('ascii')) if isinstance(value, int): output.append(str(value).encode('UTF-8')) elif isinstance(value, bytes): output.append(value) else: if not isinstance(value, six.text_type): value = six.ensure_text(value) if encoding is not None: output.append(value.encode(encoding)) elif self.encoding is not None: output.append(value.encode(self.encoding)) else: output.append(value.encode('UTF-8')) output.append(separator.encode('ascii')) return b''.join(output)